Anil Langar

The Guru is the entity which shows the path to the truth, and Divine Truth is a source to gain knowledge and to rectify faith.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Few Steps to stay healthy.

There are so many changes happening in my life, and I’m sure all college senior’s live nation wide. It is really easy to let healthy habits slip into our lives and reek havoc. Here are some things I’ve been doing to help make sure I can give my classes, internship/job, applications, fiance, friends and family my absolute best:
  • Have a regular sleep schedule. This isn’t the same for everyone, but I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night in order to be effective and pleasant the next day.
  • You are what you eat. Boy, is this the truth. When I fill up on fried food and rich pasta, I feel like a noodle or an onion ring. I’m trying (it’s a process) to eat more fresh foods, and less of them at a time.
  • Make time to exercise! For me, this can be a 20 minute jog or playing one-on-one with my fiance. But I know that if I don’t get my heart rate up at least 4 days a week, boy am I cranky!
  • Don’t procrastinate! This one is pretty easy for me; I’m too much of a planner to let things go. However, when I accomplish everything I have to do for the weekend on Thursday night, I feel SO good and I am really able to relax and enjoy my weekend- which leads me to my next point.
  • Relaxation is key. If our bodies don’t have time to recharge, we are constantly running on empty. I don’t feel very accomplished when I’m only giving tasks and people in my life 50%.
  • Have someone to talk to, and be someone to listen. Relationships with people we care about are so essential to success. Having people to talk to and being a support system for someone can be the best stress-reliever there is!
. We are all stressed and have a lot to look forward to, but these simple steps can really make a difference.  Sometimes I catch myself slacking off on one (or more) of these items, and I just go back to basics.